Capcom @ CES: Resident Evil Motorcycle Reveal
Jan 09, 2010 // jgonzo
Not only did we have our Dark Void launch party last night, but Savage Cycles also debuted the official Resident Evil motorcycle mere footsteps away from the party (those are Tesla Roadsters in the background for Dark Void, just in case you were wondering). You’ve seen it as a work in progress before, now we have plenty of pics to show you. The guys at Savage Cycles took the feedback that they got from the comments on Kramez’ previous post and added a ton of details that both casual and hardcore Resident Evil fans can appreciate. You can more pictures after the break, along with commentary by yours truly.
Pointiness = dead zombie.
Official S.T.A.R.S. badges.
Brought to you by…
First aid spray and herb vials.
Herbs in a pouch!
Rear of chopper.
Grenades? Check!
Fact: mixed herbs are potent.
“Instantly cures all wounds on body with a single application”
Basic weapon is attached to the chopper.
Bowgun ammo!
Wait a minute…Umbrella logo? It’s a trap!!! Also, ouch.
The front of the motorcycle.
With headlights on.
The staff of Savage Cycles with their creation. (l-r): Jack Rafferty, Sean Snyder, Mike Dixon, Jeremy Gordon, and Steve Shreve
Of course, Team Unity had to try it out. Snow tries to look macho for the camera.
Me (jgonzo) with grenade launcher and shotgun in hand. Also failing at looking macho.
That’s all! Check back on Unity next week for a more detailed breakdown from Savage Cycles!