Capcom Bar Opens, Revealing More Culinary Oddities
Jan 25, 2012 // GregaMan
You may recall from last week that Capcom was planning to open a Capcom-themed bar and restaurant in Shinjuku, Tokyo, featuring crazy menu items like Resident Evil -inspired “Brain Cake” and Monster Hunter’s “Well-Done Steak”. Well, that bar is now open for business! If you should find yourself in Tokyo, be sure to take the trip.
With their grand opening comes the launch of their official website, which you can check out here . The site details their entire menu, which ranges from exquisite to, uh. . . disturbing. But it’s pretty clever all-in-all! Hit the jump for more crazy menu items of note.
Tyrant Spare Ribs
Splattered with tyrannical sauce.
“Tofu Mode”
You either get this or you don’t.
Phoenix Wright Onion Rings
Phoenix questions the reliability of your sauces. Features croquette gavel.
Russian Roulette Takoyaki
Fried pasta emulates Phoenix Wright’s spiky hairdo. Meanwhile one out of those eight octopus balls contains fiery hot habanero sauce.
Yukumo Village Pasta Carbonara with Hot Spring-Boiled Egg
‘Cuz y’see, hard-boiled eggs are called “hot spring eggs” in Japanese. Dahaha.
Airu Village Poka Poka Mushroom Clam Chowder
Mushrooms gathered in Airu Village. Soup served “poka poka” (piping hot).