Capcom at The Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix for MotoGP

Aug 15, 2007 // Lost

A couple weekends ago (pardon the delay, Comic-con and other stuff has kept me from getting this up), the only US-held MotoGP event attracted more than 100,000 attendees at Laguna Seca, just outside Monterey, California. Among the crowds were several Capcom executives from Japan and the US, including myself, eager to get our first look at a MotoGP event since we’d signed a long term deal for the PlayStation platform rights earlier this year.We were escorted by our Dorna hosts and given the full VIP treatment (rides in the pace car at 160+ MPH, pit lane walks, air conditioned suites to watch the event, etc.). What we found was quite the spectacle. Mind you, compared to some of the events in Spain or Italy, which have 250,000 or 300,000 people, (where fans sneak in entire motorcycle engines into the crowd to rev the hell out of them until they blow rather spectacularly in support of their favorite riders) Laguna Seca might seem a bit “tameâ€.

Click on the jump to see the rest of the post and more pictures!
