Capcom Arcade Classics: Quiz Contest
Dec 08, 2010 // MikeeB
Hey everyone! To celebrate the release of our first batch of Capcom Arcade Classics on Nintendo’s Virtual Console we’re going to have a little quiz contest. Comment on this blog or on the Capcom Arcade Classics facebook page and the first 10 people to correctly answer all questions (in 1 post plz!) will get a little something special. Winners will receive a special prize based on our of our upcoming Capcom Arcade Classics titles, Ghosts ‘n Goblins! I know what you’re thinking and YES THEY ARE STRAWBERRIES! Growing up I always thought Arthur’s underpants had hearts on em, but that was due to my tiny video screen and pixelated goodness of that era. We’ve checked with official sources and they are indeed strawberries, not hearts. So come be a part of history in this groundbreaking discovery and win a pair of awesome GnG boxer shorts!
Questions after the jump, hurry up while there’s still some left!
Official rules can be found HERE
1. How many attack buttons did the original Street Fighter arcade game have?
2. The hero of Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando shares the same alias as another classic Capcom character. What’s the alias of these two war heroes?
3. What was Capcom’s first game to utilize the yashichi icon as a bonus item?
4. What was Capcom’s first game ever?
5. What was Capcom’s first ARCADE game ever?
6. What does Super Joe do during his break in between the 2nd and 3rd areas of Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando?
7. SonSon made an appearance as a playable character a certain fighting game a few years back. Name not only the title, but the 3 different fruits that she can transform her rivals into within that game.
8. Before the days of Golden Tee Golf, Capcom had an extremely popular arcade sports game that utilized a big marbled trackball as well, what was the name of this title?
9. Man we had some AWESOME ads back in the day. Truth is these 2 awesome Capcom spokesguys were inspiration for another Capcom arcade brawler hero who then starred in an arcade title with the same name. What was the name of that hero/game?
10. In SonSon, what’s the name of SonSon’s porky partner that’s played by the 2nd player?