Capcom Arcade Classics Quiz 3: Strawberry boxers forever
Jan 20, 2011 // MikeeB
Today we’ve got our final Capcom Arcade Classics quiz contest on deck! As always we’ve got a set of 10 questions that’ll test your Capcom arcade history knowledge and the first 10 people to either comment on this blog or on the Capcom Arcade Classics facebook page with all 10 correct answers (in 1 post plz!) will score a pair of “Arthur’s Stawberry Boxers”!
Questions after the jump, these always go quick so be sure to get your answers in soon!
Official rules can be found HERE
1. In Black Tiger, what’s the name of the in-game currency which can also be found in numerous other Capcom titles
2. The final boss in Black Tiger is indeed black, but not so much a tiger. What is this mythical creature that lends its name to the Japanese version of the game?
3. What’s the special “P.S.” message from Capcom upon completion of the original 1942?
4. 1942 was a pretty successful game, so much that we made a follow up sequel 3 years later. What was the name of this sequel?
5. What Capcom arcade game, which is still played competitively today, is sometimes referred to as simply “S.T.”?
6. In Black Tiger, our barbarian hero is reduced to his underwear after getting hit a few times… what other Capcom hero made running around in your underwear the “in” thing to do?
7. Mega Man is usually thought of as a champion of home consoles and platforming, but he actually starred in 2 of his own arcade “fighting” games. What were the names of these titles?
8. Which classic Capcom arcade game was first known as “Street Fighter ‘89”, before getting its final name that you now know?
9. How many stages were featured in the arcade version of 1942
10. Name AT LEAST ONE Capcom arcade game that features both Jean-Claude Van Damme and Raul Julia