Capcom Arcade Classics: Art Remix Winners Poll
Dec 14, 2010 // MikeeB
Hola Unity! Today we’re proud to announce the 4 winners of the Capcom Aracde Classics: Art Remix contest! All 4 winners here will be going away with a Nintendo Wii Console bundle, so gongrats! We’re not done just yet though, one of these entries will win a custom painted Nintendo Wii Console bundle that we’re giving an “arcade style makeover”, the problem is we can’t decide which entry to pick. So who better than you guys to decide! For the complete list of winners and the poll for the grand prize package hit the jump!
And a big thanks to everyone who participated!
1. Ghost ‘N Goblin s by Andy-Oh!
2. Black Tiger by Blair
3. Ghost ‘N Goblins by House
4. Ghost ‘N Goblins by Sam Filstrup
[Edited By Moderator]