CAC Week – Yashichi Scavenger Hunt
May 29, 2013 // GregaMan
So you think you know Capcom Unity. You’ve been here awhile, you read the blog, you know the goofballs behind it. . . . Well, it’s time to put that knowledge to the test. In honor of Capcom Arcade Cabinet Week, I present to you the Yashichi Scavenger Hunt.
Y’all know the Yashichi, right? It’s that lovable little pinwheel icon that’s worked its way into all sorts of Capcom games.
Yeah, that’s the stuff.
So we’ve hidden ten of these in the text of old Unity blog posts. Your job? Find all ten posts and copy-paste their titles in a PM to me–GregaMan. Don’t give me the URLs–that won’t work. I want titles! For example, the title of this post is “CAC Week – Yashichi Scavenger Hunt.” But even though this post contains a Yashichi, it doesn’t count as one of the ten. Meanwhile, you can find hints as to the whereabouts of these elusive pinwheels after the jump.
Why should you bother? Because whoever gets all ten correct titles to me first will receive their choice of awesome CAC arcade stick (winner will be able to select from remaining stock) and 1500 Unity Points! The deadline is this Friday, 5pm PT. After that, the winner (assuming there is one) will receive a PM in response, and will be announced live during that night’s CAC Slumber Party! There will be more chances to win a stick during the party, so don’t miss!
What if you get all ten answers correct but aren’t first? Well, if you do it by the deadline, I’ll give you a Yashichi Unity Badge and 600 Unity Points (two normal raffle tickets-worth) for your troubles. Not too shabby!
Now then, here are your scavenging hints!
1. This post should be your very first source for all your CAC info needs.
2. If you don’t know where the Yashichi came from to begin with, you might consult this post. Or if you’re just looking for some fun facts about CAC.
3. If these CAC games came in boxes, the world might be an uglier, yet somehow more awesome, place.
4. This post discusses the “origins” of a certain “legendary” CAC character.
5. This post harkens back to the day when, among other things, a certain fiery antagonist from CAC’s Ghosts ‘n Goblins got his very own adventure.
6. Semi-relevant for its retro theme, this post was an excuse for me to spill my guts about the wonderful unsung installment of a certain ninja series.
7. This post lays bare my disdain for Quick Man. Why? Because he kept killing me.
8. This post reminisces about the beginnings of Capcom’s survival horror legacy with a relatively unknown 8-bit title.
9. This post celebrates the title theme from a classic NES Capcom game. A game about a little guy who dared to dream.
10. This semi-recent post has everybody singing along. Glad to see so many people remembered the tune after so many years! But what in the world is “derring-do”?
And that’s all of ’em. Happy scavenging!!!