BTHR Zero X (Scott) is Going to Captivate09
Apr 13, 2009 // Snow
Captivate09 is just around the corner , and with it tons of new Capcom news will be flooding in. As you know, this isn’t just solely a press event. No no, community plays a big role. So who’s going out to Captivate this year from Unity? BTHR Zero X (Scott) and Andy (um… Andy).
First though, why did we chose Zero? Well, he’s been a long time Capcom, since Chip and Dale on the NES (He also had Megaman back in the day too but that use to make him throw his controller). He’s been around since the old Capcom BBS, and has stuck around. He’s on nearly everyday, blogging, posting, helping out other fans with in-depth guides, and just being a really great fan of Capcom.
He’s really made quite the impression on a lot of the other members here with his generous spirit and willingness to help. In fact, I myself have caught up with Zero on XBL for help on various games. And he can’t seem to choose just one favorite Capcom game (who can?). He loves the Street Fighter Series, Resident Evil Series, Mega Man Series, Monster Hunter Series, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Bionic Commando and many more. I asked him to choose a favorite, and I think the inner struggle to decide nearly made him pass out.
This barely scratches the surface of Zero’s fan hood. But overall, he’s one of the most active members on Unity, so feel free to chat with him and ask all about his Capcom love. As Zero says, ” I love the Community, the Profiles, Blogs, everything. It’s a great place to come and hang out and chat about everything Capcom and Capcom Related. ”
We’ll catch up with Andy tomorrow for talk about his passion for Capcom games.