Bionic Commando: Rearmed–Secret Challenge Rooms!
Aug 18, 2008 // s-kill
For anyone insane enough to have actually run out of BCR Challenge Rooms already–good news!
In a fit of shameless pandering (does BCR even need to pander?) it seems the team hid a few special challenge rooms for particular media outlets. This is good news for you because now you can play em too. Fair warning–they are beasts!
Here’s how to make the magic happen:
Put in the code during the splash screen of the game (where only the logo and the words “Press START” are shown). If the intro starts to run again before a code is punched in it, you fail and you must go back to the splash screen to start again.
The good news for you is that if you can’t enter this code during the splash screen, you had zero chance of completing the challenge anyway, so it’s easier on everyone!
GamesRadar Challenge Room (available only in English versions)
R1, Triangle, Square, Square, Up, Down, L1, L1, Up, Down, Start
Xbox 360 and PC
R-Bumper, Y, X, X, Up, Down, L- Bumper, L- Bumper, Up, Down, Start
IGN Challenge Room (available only in English versions)
Up, Down, Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle, Down, Up, L1, L1, Start
Xbox 360 (and PC)
Up, Down, Y, X, X, Y, Down, Up, L- Bumper, L- Bumper, Start
Click here for a brief video of the IGN room in “action” (I use the term loosely since the player in the video fails at the first hard part of the level. Did I mention these Challenge Rooms are actually challenging? It’s a weird concept in games these days…).