Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 – Movember Challenge Update
Jan 12, 2011 // MikeeB
AT LONG LAST! The results to the BCR2 Movember Challenge are in, processed, dyed orange, and neatly trimmed to commando standards. We had a great turnout for this one and it was fun observing as well as participating! We recruited Unity and even some Capcom staff members to join in the noble moustache cause. I’d also promised a give away an Xbox 360 slim bundle (with $50 MSP) to the RADDEST entrant I found. Our winner went WAY above and beyond the the norm and not only had the moustache, the hair, the jacket, but also a homemade bionic arm… most impressive! [/vader] So congrats to Unity member Megamem! He even documented the entire thing and posted it on the BCR2 Facebook, I’ve created an album HERE with the photos as well…you NEED to check it out, just WOW!
Big ups to everyone who participated in the contest. Not everyone has the stones to donate their face for our cause, so you’ve all proven yourself to get my RAD stamp. As a special bonus for anyone that entered, I’m going to be hooking you all up with something special soon!
I’ll reach out to everyone for your mailing info soon! Thanks again and enjoy a sample of our Rad stache clan after the jump! Go Go Bionic!