Bionic Commando Interview With Ben Judd
Oct 24, 2007 // Lost
GameInformer has posted their 2-part interview with Ben Judd, producer of Bionic Commando. Besides talking about Bionic Commando, Ben actually shares his non-traditional path into the gaming industry, which may be of particular interest to many of you, since one of the most common questions we often get is, “How do I get a job in the gaming industry?”
Game Informer: For the readers who don’t know the real Ben Judd, can you explain how you got started at Capcom and what you used to do before you started work with this game? Ben Judd: It was actually an interesting story. I was living and working in Japan as an English teacher, and they hired me into Capcom USA from Japan, which is kind of strange because they had maybe 25 or 30 different candidates and they chose me – and I was certainly not the cheapest person, because they had to hire me all the way from Japan to the U.S. I worked there for a year as a marketing specialist, which meant that I would interpret and translate for most of the business meetings, at the PR events and whenever people like yourself would come over and there were ROMs that were all in Japanese, I would sort of walk people through that. It was a really nice job at first, but after about a year —
Be sure to read both Part 1 and Part 2 to get the full interview!