Best of Unity – Captivate, Jab!Strong!Fierce!, and More
Apr 29, 2009 // Snow
Captivate09 has come and gone, but not without making some major announcements. And of course, it just wouldn’t be a Capcom event if we didn’t involve you guys, the fans. Check out first hand impressions of Carbonox Ratchet (above with Ben Judd and Inafune-san being Zombies) and Andy (right with Jessica Chobot of IGN). They got to see games like Dead Rising 2, Spyborgs, and Lost Planet 2 in first hand, and hang out with some of the big names in Capcom and the industry. Read what they had to say about it! Carbo at Captiavte09 , and Andy at Captivate09 .
Baberific went to the Jab!Strong!Fierce! SF Art Exhibit in LA last week. He was able to meet Capcomers like Seth Killian, and even hang out with other Unity members like Bigmex!(pictured) Check out his blog for tons of pics of the event, including the art, the people, and the awesome cos-play.
Speaking of Bigmex , he’s been working on something great for you fighting fans. A multi-part blog (so far 8 parts) diving into the history behind fighting games. It’s a fantastic read, and you can check out all the parts in his blog .
Tried the Bionic Commando Demo yet? Getting you butt zip-kicked? Master Abbott is here to help. He’s got up a quick review and pointers with screenshots to help you get started. Read it here!
Alright guys, until next time, keep posting all your awesome stuff!