Behind the Scenes With Pop Culture Shock’s Felicia and Zangief Statues
Nov 17, 2009 // jgonzo
Our friends at Pop Culture Shock have been busy producing those exclusive and super awesome Zangief and Felicia statues. Recently, they made a trip the actual factory that is producing the statues in China and came back with the following photos and descriptions. Hit the jump to see a special behind the scenes look at their productionl!
Assembly_Room_A : Fitting Zangief parts
Assembly_Room_C : Fitting Zangief parts
Casting_A : Room where they cast parts. It is a polyester resin that is mixed with a porcelin powder. Smells like an auto body shop inside as the material is very similar to that used to repair dents in cars.
Felicia_Sample_A : Finished Felicia sample for me to approve. Its even better than the prototype. The flocking is fantastic.
Felicia_Sample_B : Pink Felicia variant sample. we were discussing if we should ship with hair attached or not.
Misc_Pieces : Discarded pieces that arent usable for one reason or another.
Misc_RvS_A : Ryu Vs Sagat Samples.
Mold_Pile : Old molds no longer in use. They keep them for a year or so in case they need them.
MZangief_Sample : Sample without his shorts. Some of the trim colors on the original prototype were incorrect so we are in the process of changing them.
Pressure_Chamber : This is a pressurized chamber that each casting is put in to remove any surface bubbles ensuring a clean surface
Zangief_Base_Cast : Casting the large polystone base for Zangief
Zangief_Base_Sand : Sanding the bottom of the Zangief bases
Zangief_Bodies_A : Waiting for final polishing before paint
Zangief_Bodies_B : Waiting for final polishing before paint
Zangief_Bodies_C : Waiting for final polishing before paint
Zangief_Heads : Zangief heads being fine tuned
Zangief_Legs : Zangief legs waiting for paint.
Zangief_Mold_A : Production mold for Zangief. They make two sets of these.
Zangief_Mold_B : Closer shot of front mold for Zangief
Zangief_Sample_A : Zangief final sample.
Zangief_Sample_B : Zangief final sample – his left hand was a little loose so we are taking care of that.
Zangief_Sample_C : Close up showing how we replaced the sculpted shoelaces with real ones. Looks cool.
Zangief_Sand_A : Sanding Zangief Legs
Zangief_Sand_B : Final polishing of Zangief legs before paint
Zangief_Sand_C : Sanding Zangief bodies
Zangief_Sand_D : Sanding Zangief legs