Because I feel like it: Ghosts n’ Goblins Superplay!
Jun 24, 2009 // s-kill
Yes, a determined young lad playing live through the grandaddy of one of my favorite Capcom series: the devilishly difficult Ghosts n’ Goblins.
Watching this video requires you to know about one of Capcom’s meanest tricks: after you play through and beat the ridiculously hard game, it turns out that “This room is an illusion and is a trap devised by Satan.” Oh noes!
So that was all a dream, and to get the REAL ending, you have to play through the entire game again. From the start.
That’s what this guy is doing here. The video starts with the first, “illusion” playthrough, and then cuts to the end of part 1, so we can see him play though again, this time for real. He has a bunch of crafty tricks, but if you’ve played a game in the last few years and felt like “wow, this is hard!”–think again. This one’s brutal!
Part 2 of the playthrough is here .