Awesome Azure Rathalos blademaster cosplay

Jun 24, 2014 // Yuri Araujo

Here’s some amazing cosplay that everyone should recognize. It’s none other than the armor featured in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate ‘s box art!

UPDATE: “Making of” video added below!

Cosplayer and Unity member Louie spent 5 months and what I imagine to be an insane amount of attention to detail and hard work to craft these 2 sets of Azure Rathalos armor.

As you can see, he even made a female version of the set for his wife!

EDIT: Louie just got in touch with us in the comments below, and added that his wife did a lot of the work behind this project and that they made a sort of “making of” video:

For more pictures, check out his blog post  or their Facebook page . And if you like cosplay AND are going to Anime Expo 2014, you should definitely attend this gathering !