Awesome animation by UMX has Servbot megamerging into ModelX
Jan 02, 2014 // Yuri Araujo
Happy New Year everyone! Today we all got back to the office after our holiday break, and what a nice surprise to see this lovely animation by ultimatemaverickx ( or UMX ). Keep reading to see a Servbot from Megaman Legends megamerge into Model X, from Mega Man ZX in an awesome parody animation.
Yea, I know MMLegends is GregaMan ‘s department, but I’m definitely the biggest ZX fan in the team here… and doing a quick ” background check ” on this UMX person (aka: going through deviantart and YouTube ), we can clearly see their love for both MMZero and MMZX , with some MMX here and there too.
And did I mention UMX’s amazing animation skills?
Well, the video above should be proof of it, but here’s some more: