Assist of the Day #10- Toryan Michael Brown and “Gabriel Wesker”
Jun 28, 2011 // JayCBaby
Welcome to another episode of Assist of the Day! Today we’ve got Unity member and MvC3 aficionado, Gabriel Wesker, coaching Facebook member, Toryan Michael Brown. Toryan’s team of Dante, Zero, and Taskmaster took on a team of Hulk, Akuma. Dante in an online ranked match. He mentions that he’s been having trouble with stringing together consistent combos and is concerned that his Taskmaster has lost its edge as he ranks up in level.
Hopefully Gabriel, who has a solid grasp of MvC3 gameplay, can help Toryan out. He regularly competes in tournaments and enjoys seeing others improve their game. Check out Toryan’s gameplay video below via Facebook!
Hit the jump for Gabriel’s analysis and feedback!
“Initial Team Set Up
The first thing I noticed was your team Set Up. I personally recomend Dante/Zero/Taskmaster and depending on the match-up you can hold either Assist 1 to use Zero first or Assist 2 to bring out Taskmaster 1st. These are set ups I recomend in the future and also what I personally know what they can do because I’ve faced these teams at tournaments before (mainly talking about Zero/Dante/any).
Zero as your point character is very risky since he can die in pretty much one combo, but can do amazing things with Dante as his assist as well as Taskmaster. The point of having Zero’s Hadangeki Assist is just in case you manage to save him and you can use it to get in or even as a hit confirm. Taskmaster’s Aim Master (H.Shot) is going to be your main mix-up assist. The strategy is just crossing up with the Taskmaster assist as much as you can. With Zero you can mix-up your opponent by calling Taskmaster and using Zero’s Hienkyaku teleports. You can pretend to cross up by using your teleport with A, actually cross up with Hienkyaku (B teleport), or both with Kienkyaku (C teleport) since you jump so high that sometimes it’s a little hard to tell if you crossed up or not. Don’t forget to come down with C if you used the C teleport. Don’t get too greedy against characters like Hulk, Sentinel, Wesker, or Taskmaster because Wesker/Taskmaster will counter super or normal counter and combo/mix up. Hulk and Sentinel have super armor so sometimes it’s ok but don’t overdo it otherwise you’re looking at some serious damage coming your way. Zero is also a really good snap back character since his moves have so many hits it gives you enough time to react to the hit confirm and snap back immediately.
Reccomended Basic Combos
1) A, B, C(3 Hits), ->C(3 Hits), S, air B, air B, C (3 hits), S, Dante Assist, Sentsuizan (OTG with B or C), S, air B, air B, C (3 hits), S, Rekkuha 526 Damage
2) A, B, C, ->C, Snap Back (I like to snap back Tron, Dormammu, Doom, and Phoenix. Your second priority should be Wesker, Morrigan, Trish, Magneto 1st or 2nd kill)
3) A, B, C(3 Hits), ->C(3 Hits), S, air B, air B, C (3 hits), S, Dante Assist, Sentsuizan (OTG with B or C), S, air B, air B, C (3 hits), S, Rekkuha, Devil Trigger DHC, S.Jump, S, Vulcano, Beehive (let the bouce happen), Jet Stream, Million Dollars (if you don’t have meter then Crazy Dance) 836,100 damage with Million Dollars
4) A, B, C(3 Hits), ->C(3 Hits), S, air B, air B, C (3 hits), S, Dante Assist, Sentsuizan (OTG with B or C), S, air B, air B, C (3 hits), S, Rekkuha, Devil Trigger DHC, S.Jump, S
Dante being 2nd is pretty damn awesome considering you still have the Taskmaster assist. The mix up here is that you will always be behind them. But you can mix up by teleporting later or you can teleport immediately. The mixup is Calling Taskmaster > Early teleport for cross up or late teleport so they get hit by arrows first. Crossing up late also gives them a smaller window to react to the block. A simple Dante combo is all you need to get damage out. No need to get fancy and risk dropping a combo. The best attack you can do against characters like Hulk, Sentinel, Wolverine, Hagger, Dante, Wesker is The Hammer. that attack alone beats almost everything due to it’s invincibility. In case anyone does a random Super you can always cancel out of your normals with Bold move with is Atk+S and hold back to block so he’s a really safe character.
Reccomended Basic Combos
1) A, B, C, S, air B, Air B, Doube Jump, Air B, Air C, Killer Bee, Reveb Shock, Fireworks, Million Dollars
2) A, B, C, Snap Back, or A, B, C, S, air B, air B, Double Jump, Air B, Air C, Killer Bee, Snap Back or html_removed A, B, C, S, air B, air B, Doube Jump, Air B, Air C, Killer Bee, Reveb Shock, Fireworks, Snap Back
3) A, B, C, Vulcano, Jump Foreward, C, Air Play, C, Zero Assist, C, Revolver, Grapple, Devil Trigger, Sougenmo DHC glitch, S, (start charging Hyper Zero Blaster)Air B, Air B, Sentsuizan, S, Air B, Air B, Sentsuizan, S, Air B, Air B, Sentsuizan, S, Air B, Hyper Zero Blaster, Rekkuha. 1.1Mil almost 1.2Mil. (Corner only)
4) A, B, C, Reverb Shock, Fireworks, Million Dollars. 415, 500. Sure combo that won’t drop for that low health character.
5) A, B, C, S, Air B, Air B, Double Jump, Air B, Air C, S, Vulcano, Revolver, Grapple, Devil Trigger, Sougenmo, S, Air B, Air B, Sentsuizan, S, Air B, Air B, Sentsuizan, S, Air B, Air B, Air C, Air S, Rekkuha. 1,093, 900 Damage.
If this is your anchor character then make sure you know how to use him in X-Factor lvl 3. Some characters will have different links while in X-Factor lvl 3. Taskmaster is one of those tricky ones. He likes to fall pretty fast after Mighty Swing on the ground. He can also range fight and can deal major chip damage. Something EXETREMELY IMPORTANT that you must know when fighting against Sentinels is that Legion Arror Foreward can protect you from an incoming Hyper Sentinel Force. It destroys the middle and low projectiles of that super. use his ounter super wisely and remember you can Jump and Legion Arrow Angled to OTG. You can also Air Grab into Legion Arrows Down to OTG. You can also Backwards Grab into Legion Arrow Angled to OTG. Taskmaster’s intant overhead on Sentinel is Jump Air C, Air S into any combo after you land. He is also the only character I know that can do almost as much damage as Wolverine can with a basic combo. By that I mean 630K+ without assists.
Rccomended Basic Combos
1) A, B, C, Mighty Swing, Air B, Mighty Swing, Air B, Air B, Air C, Shield Skill, S, Air B, Air B, Air C, Mighty Swing, Air B, Air B, Air C, Air Legion Arrows Straight. 609,700 Damage.
2) A, B, C, Mighty Swing, Air B, Mighty Swing, Air B, Air B, Air C, Shield Skill, Snap Back. 347,900 Damage.
3) cr.A, cr.B, cr.C, Shield Skill, S, Air B, Air B, Mighty Swing, Air B, Air C, S, land, Jump Aim Master H, Legion Arrow Down. 635,400 Damage.
4) cr.A, cr.B, cr.C, Shield Skill, S, Air B, Air B, Mighty Swing, Air B, Air C, S, land, Dante Jam Session Assist, Shield Skill, S, Air S, Air Aim Master H (full charge), Legion Arrow Down. 688,200 Damage.
Now that I’ve shared my thoughts on your team let’s get down to business
When you see a team like Hulk, Akuma, Dante you have to start to recognize who you’ll be leaving last for X Factor Lvl3. In This case I prefer Akuma since we all know that Super Beam Spam Chip is amazing. With that in mind you know how to get around it. Either Super Jump over him ALL DAY or just actually block it. But I advice that you run away until it’s gone.
Hulk Match-up is pretty simple. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HIM, the key to beating him is being EXTREMELY patient and look for openings. Main idea is to BLOCK, that alone will beat the Hulk. Against more Advanced Hulks you have to look out for the Gamma Charge=>You Block=>You try to punish=>Gamma Crush Cancel. Knowing that you should take any chances and Advance Guard his “ONE MORE!” Charge.
I can see that from 0:15 – 1:04 he zones you with Hulk and Dante Assist. You have one of the most Projectile Heavy teams in MvC3. During that whole event youshould have been throwing Rangeki and jumping with Hyper Zero Blasters at Hulk. There is nothing he can do about it from a long range other than Gamma Crush, but even then you still have time to block it if he does do it.
At 0:35 you hard switched out Zero for Taskmaster. You should never hard switch otherwise your characters will get punished really hard for it. If anything DHC Sougenmo => Legion Arrows Up to cover yourself in case your opponent expects that Legion Arrow. So if they tried to punish they will get hit by the arrows as they come down. Since you didn’t have meter, the 2nd best choice is to Team Aerial Combo.
At 0:41 I see that you are Jump Blocking towards him. Against Hulk you should not need to Jump Block towards him when you have Taskmaster. You can keep him away with Jumping back Aim Master (M for angled shot). It’s cheap but it keeps him away. Or if you want to get in there you should have called Zero Assist (B type) far away and dashed in with a Low A, Low B, Low C, Shield Skill combo set up.
At 0:46 you missed a huge opportunity to punish Hulk as hes coming down with a simple taskmaster combo which is generally about 600K damage.
At 0:51 I see you punish the Dante asist and then get hit with a Standing C. The thing about hitting assists is that you should not try to focus on punishing them unless you can catch them both. Sure you hit him and stopped him for doing Jam session, but that’s where it should have ended. Not being greedy will save your characters from being punished like it happened to you. Luckly he didn’t know to Gamma Tsunami after the air combo.
At 0:58 when he popped X Factor Lvl1, this is the perfect time to run away until it’s done. Hulk with X-factor lvl1 can do some SERIOUS damage.
At 1:04 he did an unexpected hard switch. Things like that I don’t blame you for not punishing such randomness but for future references instead of walking back just crouch block at about 3/4 of the screen in case he hard switches like he did right here and you can punish with a nasty combo.
At 1:10 When Akuma did his Hyper move you should have Advanced Guarded all of it. Remember that Advancing Guard not only pushes them away but helps prevent chip damage and gives more meter.
At 1:17 when you finished your combo you could have dashed in and used Sentsuizan with Dante’s Jam Session assist for a longer combo.
At 1:25 when you come down with S is not always the best idea but it’s worked up to this point and you combo into a lvl 3 which kills Akuma. Great Job on taking him down with that punish. For future references you can always cancel Air S with Killer Bee or The Hammer just to be safer and still be able to punish with Wild Stomp combo or if Killer Bee hits you can S, Air B, Air C, Sky Dance,(Reverb Shock, Fireworks these can link in the corner only), Million Dollars
After you Killed Akuma you can mix up any Character that is coming in to play with Acid Rain and a teleport. Dending on when you do teleport or maybe you don’t but still do Down, Down for mixup purposes is still really good. Another good technique when a character is coming in is that you can dash right under them and S to launch them and then combo from there. All three of your characters have amazing S height range.
Starting at 1:42 you had the possibility to Hysteric or Air Play (full charge 5 hits) all day.
At 1:48 when you teleported into The Hammer with Dante. Get used to doing that, it’s probably the best thing u can do with him and also to get in with him.
I can see that at the 2 minute mark you tried it again but this time he hard switched…again…so you punished him with Killer Bee. Yes you can do Standing A, B, C, S, any combo. But when juggleing do not do Stinger otherwise characters will drop like what happened at the 2:02 mark.
for 6 seconds until 2:08 you can tell he is just pressing buttons so the best counter for that exactly what you did. Recovered and came down with S into your combo.
At the 2:20 mark you tried The Hammer again. Good Job except you did Killer bee and he blocked. You’re in luck since he punished too late. A simple cr.A here can lead into a massive Dante combo.
At 2:31-2:32 you took a big risk by coming down with S. If you opponent were any closer, his Standing C would have caught you and probably killed you with a simple Hulk combo.
At 2:37 you Hammered again, leading to a short combo. After you jumped, you missed your Hyper Combo Opportunity. When you S someone and get them in the air like you did, I recommend that you go for Dante’s basic AIR B => AIR C => SKY DANCE => MILLION DOLLARS.
Great Blocking until 2:50. You can punish The Hulk after blocking Gamma Crush at 2:48 but if you don’t want to risk timing it wrong you can always just stay back and block or Million Dollars.
At 2:51 when u punished his Standing S you could have ended the match with the Simple combo I wrote down above. which is A, B, C, Reveb Shock, Fireworks, Million Dollars for 415,500 damage that would have finished him off.
You should never do Million Dollars from full screen at the Hulk, or any beam-like Super because his Gamma Crush can plow through it all and do some serious damage with just 4-5 hits of it. Luckily for you, it looks like he either did the wrong super or was either expecting you to teleport, so he used Gamma Quake instead.
I hope this helps you better your gameplay and decision making in the future. Keep them wins coming 😀 and practice some combos that you feel comfortable with, ones that you won’t drop no matter what.”
Toryan! When you hit the gym *ahem… training room next time, see if you can incorporate some of Gabriel’s combos and advice into your arsenal. We’d love to see you get better!
What do the rest of you guys think of the feedback? Hit up the comment box if you’ve got anything to add!
You can follow Gabriel on Facebook and on Twitter @GabeGuti .
Assist of the Day archive
#9 – Clinton Bowman and Eddie Pham
#8- Aster Rhodes Ravier and Jint
#7- James Carey and Joopiterman