Ask Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Producer your Questions Live Today!

Jan 20, 2010 // s-kill

TvC producer Ryota Niitsuma is in our San Mateo office today, en route to the NYC Nintendo World Store kickoff for Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars .

In honor of his visit, I plan on hitting him with the old choloform and dragging him on to the Unity video stream, where I will refuse to feed him until he answers your questions.  I’m planning this for around 2:15pm PST  1pm PST- 1:30 PST (kidnapping is an in-exact science), but I’ll provide updates on the exact time on ye olde Capcom twitter .

Sound like a plan?  We’ll do our best to answer as many live questions as we can, but if you want to get your question on the list before the room starts filling up, post ’em here as comments.