Ask RE5 Producer Takeuchi-san Your Questions on the Next Top Secret Podcast

Mar 04, 2009 // Snow

The crew from the Top Secret Podcast will be having Jun Takeuchi as guest for the next episode. Takeuchi-san is the Producer on Resident Evil 5, and Lost Planet 2. Here’s your chance to ask him your Resident Evil related questions! I’m sure we may be able to sneak a few Lost Planet questions in there as well… But, with RE5 just around the corner, we’re leaning towards questions about RE5.

The Podcast is due out on March 17th, so keep in mind when asking your questions that the game will already be released. You can ask your questions in this thread.  I should also mention that there will be some autographed swag given to a few lucky fans who post good questions… 

Also, for those of you who missed episode 34 (my fault, I forgot to blog about it), it’s out for your listening pleasure. Ben Judd came out to San Francisco and talked with Backbone Entertainment, who you may recognize as the developer for many recent Capcom arcade titles like SSF2THDR, Puzzle Fighter, and Commando 3. Download it right here.