Ask Capcom Round-Up: Sven Answers Your Questions!
Oct 03, 2008 // Snow
You post your questions every day for us to read, and we do our best to answer. Sometimes insightful, sometimes vague, usually both. Especially with Capcom’s own Christian Svensson. He wishes he could tell you more, but then he’d have to kill you…
This is not an interview. These are questions anyone can ask us over in our Ask Capcom Forum . Here’s a look at what you asked recently, and what our reponses were!
Ouji-San asks, “Capcom… Does Japan really really listen to their fans? I don’t think so. Has The Resident Evil Team been avoiding us or have they been playing Gears of War and decided to screw us once more….hey? I’m doubting Capcom’s ability to hear the fans out. We have been asking them to bring RE back to its roots but every month they keep changing something and screwing it around. This time the typewriter… I know it’s just a typewriter, but it’s a symbol and part of the RE root… What gives guys?”
Sven – “There are some elements they listen to the hardcore fans on. There are some elements they listen to the less die-hard fans on. There are other issues where they follow their vision.
The game is fantastic. We’ve been doing multiplayer testing in the office for the last few weeks and it’s really phenomenal.”
lilnim995 – “I was wondering about the possibility of DLC for the console version of SFIV. It’s been mentioned several times that it was likely to have DLC characters and what not, but I’ve also been told that it wasn’t the plan. Could somebody please elaborate? And maybe, if some of us fans get lucky, there might be an SFA or FF Pack in store for us GUYs?”
Sven – “At the moment, DLC characters are not the plan. Beyond that, we’re a bit early to be talking about DLC for a game that’s still several months from release.”
Solarman – “I heard that Mega Man 9 sold around over 140,000 downloads on the USA Wiiware version on the Wii in 1 week. But do you think that the worldwide sales on all systems that its on including XBLA, and PSN besides just Wii are doing well when combined?”
Sven – “Any numbers you’ve seen or quoted are not correct. That said, I think we’re cautiously optimistic about MM9’s performance.”
TonyTheTiger – “Where are those numbers coming from then? Are media outlets making them up?”
Sven – “No idea. You’d have to ask the outlets in question.”
Ricardo – “Hey Sven, after you said some days ago about exclusivity, can the PS3/Xbox 360 user hope for Monster Hunter 3? Same way, can Wii users hope a Resident Evil 5 version for Wii? Even still, can the PS3 users expect a Dead Rising version? Or are you talking about the next games?”
Sven – “Mostly talking about new games. It should also be stated that “multiplatform” doesn’t necessarily mean “all platforms” either. It means, more than one.”
Boco – “So you’re giving away the Mega Man 9 press kit to random community members but not offering it for sale to those of us who happen to browse other gaming forums?”
Sven – “If by “giving away” you mean “giving the first chance to purchase” and by “random community members” you mean “people who actively participate specifically within the MM9 community” then yes.
This is nothing new really. Only Unity members get mailed t-shirts and other gifts. A few select MotoGP fans received John Hopkins autographed copies of MotoGP 07, just to thank them for their enthusiasm and continued support. Only Capcom-Unity members have gotten to come to our media events. Hell, if you’re a REALLY good Capcom-Unity member, we may give you a job (ask Snow).
Activity within Capcom-Unity is going to have benefits over activity elsewhere. In another month or two, you’re going to see that statement taken to a new level. The people who support us most by participating here are the people who we view as caring most about us.”
Cheaptrickfan_100 – “Will Spyborgs be at TGS? Will we hear or see anything about the game, or will we just have to wait more? I want to see what that makeover has done to Spyborgs.”
Sven – “Nope. No TGS showing. We haven’t decided yet whether it’s going to ship in Japan… that determination won’t be made for several more weeks so showing it at a Japan consumer show doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Don’t worry… you won’t be able to miss it when it resurfaces.”
Alright, that’s it for this week’s round-up. If you wish to have Sven impart his vast sums of game industry wisdom upon you, or just want to know what the heck’s with all our zombie games , just ask away !