Arcades, How I Miss Thee

Apr 25, 2014 // ComboFiend

I just got finished reading Patrick Miller’s piece  on what the absensce of arcades has meant to fighting gamers to the point where I felt I had to write my own blog. If you’re in the mood for some nostalgia, feel free to keep on reading. (photo courtesy of Kineda )

For those too young to remember, arcades were magical places where local players (big, small, young, old) could all get together and enjoy games. There was no anonymity, as the person you were playing against was standing next to you. There was trash talking, but all in the name of competition. And lastly, there was a sense of comraderie as you got to know the locals by their names. Those of whom sometimes either ended up becoming your friend or your greatest rival.

That’s not to say that the arcade experience was just limited to fighters. I’ve seen many players who would play the latest bemani (music) games, dance dance revolution games, racing games and even shooter games. You couldn’t help but become skilled at other types of games through watching those who mastered all the little nuances and patterns of the game they specialized in. Beyond watching them play however, it was also great just being able to talk to those who were good at other games. From listening to their thoughts and experiences it helped me realize that we’re all gamers, just with different areas of expertise. 

That’s all been changed these days with the advent of consoles and online play. Don’t get me wrong, I do find it great that you can play with someone across the country (something that was only possible by plane before) and that those with no local scene now have competition beyond the AI on hard mode, but at the same time, I do find it unfortunate that newer players will no longer get the social experience that playing at an arcade brings. That they won’t get to play against others with NO lag hiccups. That they won’t feel the rush of trying to protect one’s investment per game as you can always just press start and play again.

There are a few arcades/game centers that are still open in the US. Three that come to mind are, Super Arcade Next Level , and Arcade UFO . These venues continue to host tournaments and provide a place for those tired of playing at home a place to go and test themselves out. Hopefully if any of you reading this are near one of these venues, you head over there and see what the arcade experience is all about and try to support when you can.

Anyhow, rant over. Just wondering, but did any of those who read this post actually play in the arcade? What are some of your memorable experiences? What do you guys think of the advent of console and onlilne play? Let me know in the comments below as I’m greatly interested.