Arcade Edition PC Title Update: Live for All Users
Jul 15, 2011 // Vince
We just received word from Steam and Microsoft that the Title Update for Arcade Edition PC is now live for all users, both Steam and non-Steam. All you need to do is load up your game and the update should start downloading. As a recap, this title update fixes the following issues:
– Support for keyboards and gaming devices that were not being recognized by the game
– Patch allowing re-mapped keys
– Changes Fixed Mode as the default graphic setting
– DRM removed for non-Steam versions of the game
– NVIDIA 3D Vision enhancements
Again, we apologize for the wait, and thank you for bearing with us while we got the title updates pushed through. Lastly, please visit the issues thread on the forums if you have run into any other problems, and we will do our best to help you out.