AOU 2008 Day 1: A Fanboy in a Business Suit is st
Feb 15, 2008 // s-kill
Day 2 in Tokyo but the first official day of AOU. The kids–they are crazy for the SFIV. What’s worse is that these aren’t even really kids–today the show is open only to business people but it was hard to tell from the lines waiting to play. Check out today’s flickr set here for some shots of the mobs waiting to play , mysterious cute stuff , and plenty of cheesecake . Most of the photos speak for themselves (translation: I am so tired I could cry and am too lazy to talk them up), but beyond the sound of 12 billion “hadokens” ringing in my ears, the days highlights included running into a bunch of Tokyo-area Street Fighter personalities, including Mr. Matsuda , Mr. Sawatari (Editor-in-Chief of Arcadia ), Chamu Chun , famous Necro player PinoAB7 , and the irrepressible Miu . Also from the Capcom booth–we apparently endorse the product line of an excitable guy in briefs . Probably there’s an explanation for this but I prefer bemused mystification.