Announcing the CAC Slumber Party! Stay up late with Unity and win a Capcom Arcade Cabinet Fightstick
May 28, 2013 // Chris
We’ve got A TON of Capcom Arcade Cabinet games and sticks to give away this week, which concludes with an epic slumber party the likes of which you’ve never seen!
In case you haven’t heard, Capcom Arcade Cabinet just unleashed as an all-in-one set for roughly 50% off its introductory price on Xbox Live and PSN . Take a look at the trailer, and then we’ll elaborate on how you can potentially win yourself one of those aforementioned Capcom Arcade Sticks further below. G’head, we’ll wait…
You see that?! 15 classic Capcom arcade games spanning from 1984 to 1987, the two previously unlockable-only bonus games, Vulgus and 1943 Kai, all optimized for HD, added leaderboards, online co-op, social features… oh, how I could go on ! But the point is we’re using CAC’s new half-off sticker price to kickstart a whole week’s worth of fun content, trivia and prizes. Didja see the latest Game-A-Day Giveaway Gregaman posted ?! Oh yes, it’s a custom-made Capcom Arcade Fightstick, and it’s just one of several we’ll be giving from now until Friday here on Unity. But your chances to win one don’t end there!
Gregaman and Dubindoh, showing off the booty
Throughout the week we’ll be dispensing a few more classically themed features for you in honor of Capcom Arcade Cabinet, which will all gloriously culminate this Friday in the first (probably only) CAC SLUMBER PARTY .
This Friday at 8pm (Pacific Time) until midnight, we’re going to drag as many familiar Capcom Unity faces into a room for the most elaborate, and certainly the most ridiculous, Twitch.tv livestream we’ve ever performed! Here’s a loose rundown:
-Live Capcom Arcade Stick Giveaways!
-Capcom Arcade Cabinet game code giveaways!
-Live CAC playthroughs and Unity member co-op!
-Humiliating challenges!
-Live trivia and video time capsules!
-Many, MANY surprises…
We’d love to tell you more, but damned if we’re going to tip our hand and spoil everything right off the bat. Besides, isn’t the most important thing the hundreds of dollars worth of free prizes we have to give away ?! Well, we’re going to do it in the most entertaining way possible, and you don’t necessarily need to download Capcom Arcade Cabinet to win, but it’ll certainly help. Stay tuned, because we’ll be unleashing more details and Capcom Arcade Cabinet feature throughout the week.