Announcing our Okami HD pumpkin contest winners
Oct 31, 2012 // GregaMan
So Okami HD is now out, and it’s also now Halloween, so I suppose we should finally bring some closure to that whole ” Okami pumpkin ” thing. If you’re just tuning in now, we had asked Unity members over the last several weeks to upload pictures of their Okami-inspired jack-o-lanterns, in return offering all sorts of crazy prizes, including download codes for the game itself.
The turnout proved to be very impressive. Several of us here at Capcom came together to judge these lovingly crafted specimens, and let me tell you: it wasn’t all grins and giggles. Arguments were had, feelings were hurt, and teeth were gnashed Ammy-style. One guy even lost his contact lens.
With that taken into account, please remember that the following results are the collaborative consensus of several people. You may or may not disagree with our selections, but hey, you can always run your own Unity pumpkin contest.
Now then! Hit the jump for our results!
1st Prize
Artist: Amunshen
Notes: After much deliberation, we decided that this pumpkin most impressed us. The detail, composition and concept are all excellent, and it makes clever use of actual light to illustrated Ammy’s “Sunrise” technique. I also appreciate the inclusion of the “terasu” kanji (ç…§), which not only is part of the name Amaterasu, but also means “to illuminate.” It’s a fine representation not just of this one particular brush technique, but of Ammy’s fundamental role as a divine being and giver of life and light.
Speaking of light, here’s what it looks like as a lantern:
And here’s the excellent original concept sketch:
For comparison, here’s the terasu kanji in the game:
Great job, Amunshen!
2nd Prize
Artist: paul
Notes: Similar in concept to the 1st prize winner, this piece highlights the distinct, stretching sunrays seen in the game (and throughout Japanese history). This pumpkin has more of a “front of box” look to it, but again we’re treated to a striking image with well-balanced composition.
We also appreciated the spot-on carving of the logo!
3rd Prize
Artist: Livia
Notes: This piece is a bit special, and actually incited much debate. Some felt that points should be deducted for the lack of a candle hole, while others were thoroughly captivated by the expert paint job and incredible attention to detail. Whatever the case, we felt this piece was definitely deserving of a place in our selection. Well done, Livia.
Here it is sans paint:
Artist: Canis_hodophilax
Notes: A simple but spot-on rendition of Hayabusa running away from the turnip lady. Simple lines illustrate a refreshing, “less is more” approach. Nice work and a thoughtful selection of subject matter!
Artist: taotu
Notes: A very creative and high-effort piece that expertly employs negative space. Nevertheless, a heated debate unfolded over the value placed on non-pumpkin elements, and ultimately we settled on a runner-up spot.
Honorable Mentions
Since we had so many amazing submissions, we felt compelled to create this section to give a few extra shout-outs.
Artist: Nicole
Notes: Mr. Orange? I love that guy! Whether he’s doing the Konohana Shuffle, chattin’ oranges, or stroking that epic beard, this guy definitely warrants a tribute, and this double-tiered piece does the job quite nicely. Very creative!
Artist: Andrew
Notes: It’s that highly antagonistic, shapeshifting ball of doom, Yami. You may also recognize this abstract character as the boss of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. An apt choice for a pumpkin carving due to its spherical shape, plus you’ve got to appreciate the effort involved. I wonder if this thing shapeshifts.
Notes: Three pieces presented as one, this ensemble includes Ammy, Issun, and the logo, or. . .
. . . Chibi-Ammy of Okamiden when turned around. Great work, and that Issun stands out in particular.
Artist: Gavin
Notes: The Blockhead is one of my personal favorite creatures in the world of Okami, and this artist has captured it perfectly. Just be careful where you touch this pumpkin or you could immediately shatter the whole thing.
A big ol’ Nippon-sized “thank you” to all who participated, and congrats to those selected, who will be receiving PMs shortly! Now go play some Okami!