Anime Expo: the unboxing of Tatsunoko VS Capcom
Jul 01, 2009 // Kramez
Grant is already prepping for Anime Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center (which is not actually in Anaheim, as we accidentally lied to you yesterday), getting set to spend his 4th of July weekend with dudes in orange ninja suits, cardboard samurai armor and way, way too much spandex. As proof that Grant’s actually doing some work for a change, he’s magically beamed over shots of crates arriving at our show space (437/439). In a few hours, these meager boxes will be transformed into Capcom’s ungodly “portable” game kiosks, where we’ll be showing off Tatsunoko VS Capcom Ultimate All-Stars to the crowd at Anime Expo all weekend long. If you’re gettin’ your hentai on this weekend, stop by and challenge us to a few rounds of TvC — if you dare! UPDATE: Grant tells us that 44,000 anime fans are expected to pour through the doors this weekend. To put this in perspective, that’s about as many people as attended E3 this year. Grant’s also continuing to send photos of the contruction process, which we’ll add on as they come in.