And then Seth is all “I like Street Fighter blahblahblah” on Gamespy

Dec 10, 2008 // Kramez

Miguel from Gamespy stopped by Capcom’s offices to chat with Seth about Street Fighter last week , and I made sure to horn in because I am a self-important attention whore. Seth talked extensively about Street Fighter in ways that make me happy to be working at Capcom again, comparing and contrasting play styles between SF3 and SFIV in a way that made so much sense that I totally stole it and repeated it almost verbatim to the guys from FUEL TV a few nights later. Thanks for the lines, Seth!

Just to prove that Seth absolutely knows what he’s talking about, here’s embarassing video of him almost beating Alex Valle at Super Street Fighter II on the SNES* Super SFII Turbo, most likely the version on Street Fighter Collection .

* Once again, our loyal and accurate community points out that I do not know anything about our games. *sigh*