An interview between two video game audio masterminds

May 19, 2014 // GregaMan

Tomoya Kishi  (Lost Planet series, Dragon’s Dogma) , who is an audio director as well as Senior Manager of Audio Design and Production at Capcom, just linked me to a  very in-depth, even somewhat esoteric interview in which he participated alongside Media Molecule’s (Little Big Planet, Tearaway),  Head of Audio Kenny Young. 

The interview, much like Kishi-san’s previously posted interview is full of interesting tidbits and insights on video game audio production, and sheds some light on the differences in culture from one game company to another. Did you know Capcom employs more staff in its audio department than Media Molecule has as a whole? That’s a whole lotta mixer knobs. Well worth a read if you’ve interested in learning about game development.