All Capcom Games Make Destructoid’s ReBirth Wishlist
Nov 16, 2009 // jgonzo
Let me clarify the title a bit. Destructoid’s Jonathan Holmes recently assembled a list of games that he would like to see remade with yesteryear’s graphic (calling these games, “ReBirths).
Trying to win over new gamers with polygon-based graphics and techno remixes isn’t what a rebirth is about. A true rebirth can’t do anything to remind the player that they live in the age of the polygon. Instead, the game must transport the player backward, allowing them to feel like they’ve traveled ten, twenty, or even thirty years into the past. If you don’t feel “born again” into a prior era of videogame history, then you’re not playing a rebirth game.
Several Capcom games made his list, including Final Fight, Resident Evil, and—oh, what the heck—ALL CAPCOM GAMES.
Really, any Capcom game ever made could use a ReBirth. I don’t care if we’re talking obscure series like Captain Commando, or games that haven’t even been in 2D like Okami — they could all use a dose of Capcom’s unmatched skill at sprite artistry.
What do you folks think? Which Capcom game would you like to see ReBirthed?