Age of Booty Play with the Devs: Aftermath

Nov 07, 2008 // Snow

We announced a bit back that we were doing a Play with the Devs night on Age of Booty . We had guys from Certain Affinity , Capcom, and the Tournament Champs from NoobToob playing online with you, the community! The above pic is just those champs, Tobin and Yuzo! As you can tell, the night went well. But we didn’t start playing the community right away… No no, we had some grudge matches to get out of the way first… After the whoopin’ NoobToob left on the devs at the AoB event , it was time for a rematch! First set of games was Capcom vs NoobToob, which bode well for both sides… Then, the Certain Affinity boys jumped on with close-knit tactics and a taste for revenge! The match was over quickly with the win to Certain Affinity, but I mean what did you expect? They made the game! After the smack talk for all three parties, it was time to hop in some matches with you! Well, pizza, drinks, THEN you. Priorities, man. Some of the funniest moments I’ve seen in Age of Booty happened lastnight. Here’s a shout out to all of you fans and NoobToobers who came to play!

There are a few pics here , but we’ll have more pics and video soon, and of course Tobin and Yuzo will put up some video of them kickin’ your butts, and getting a bit of a whoopin’ themselves in their podcast. Keep your eye out for it!