Age of Booty – Avatar Support Has Arrived
Mar 25, 2009 // D.A.R.Y.L.
The award winning Age of Booty just got even better – and for free!
For those of you with the Xbox Live version of Age of Booty, you’ll find yourself treated to an automatic title update the next time you launch the game. One of the key features of this update is that Age of Booty now supports Avatars.
There’s just nothing quite like watching your friends walk the plank after you’ve kicked their arses!
A couple other key upgrades to Age of Booty come with this update:
* Party Chat support
* Idle players get kicked out of matchmaking games and are replaced by AI opponents.
* All those free DLC maps we released a while back are now part of the matchmaking rotation. Trial players are also treated to all these DLC maps.
So sign yourself on, check out the Party Chat features, see your Avatar in the game, and enjoy the fresh map rotation now with twice as many maps as before!