Ace Attorney LOLCATS Contest Winners!
Nov 15, 2007 // Lost
It took us awhile, because it was too hard to pick ourselves up off the floor after all of our ROFLing, but I can finally announce the winners to our Ace Attorney LOLCats Contest. I better do it quick though, before I regress back into fits of laughter again! We’ll start off with our two runner ups, who will be receiving a Phoenix Wright plush toy along with an Ace Attorney poster signed by the producer of the series, Minae Matsukawa.
“I haz a parrit” by Michael Teague And finally we have our grand prize winner, who, along with the signed poster and plush-toy, will also be receiving a free copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations.
“Invisible Yo-Yo Convention” by Kimberly Powell This was by far one of the most enjoyable contests we have ever ran, and we rofled throughout, which you can do as well by checking out all the entries in our Flickr archive . Thanks to everyone who entered and all the laughter it brought us. As a show of thanks, everyone who entered will be receiving a 10% off coupon from the Capcom store as well!