Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth DS Case Winner And A Tribute Contest Update
Feb 23, 2010 // jgonzo
Last week we held a contest in which we asked you to tell us what else (besides a DS) you could fit in the awesome Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth DS Case. Congratulations to Ian Dimas for his randomly selected response:
“I can stuff… Stuff! 8D Seriously though, I could put a couple of Manga there :P”
That’s not a bad idea! Congrats again Ian! Please PM me to collect your prize!
ALSO, I know a lot of you have been wondering about the Ace Attorney Tribute Contest. Fear not! We will be rolling out the submissions soon. We just had so many that we were a bit overwhelmed, but we’ve got a handle on it now.
Thanks for your patience! I’ve seen some amazing entries and I can’t wait to share them with you all!