Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Contests Winners
Feb 17, 2010 // jgonzo
We have THREE contest winners from three different Miles Edgeworth contests to announce!
First up, way back in December we had a comment contest and it was almost lost due to the holidays. But fear not! We have chosen a winner and that person is Jason ! Congrats, you win AAI:ME posters and other items!
Next up, for our AAI:ME demo contest , we asked Unity members to send us pictures with their demos. The winner of that contest (and a free copy of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth) is 47drift ! Congrats! His/her winning entry is over there to the right —>
Finally, yesterday we held a contest in which we asked you folks to create new catchphrases for the Ace Attorney universe. The winner of that contest (randomly chosen) is Ann with “TEA AND CRUMPETS!”.
Congrats to all the winners! Please send me a private message with your mailing address so we can ship you your prizes!
As for today’s contest, I would check Facebook if I were you folks 😉
We’ll be announcing the Valentine’s Day Card contest and Tribute winners this week. Stay tuned!
Good luck!