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Ace Attorney fans OBJECT to life’s little annoyances

Nov 01, 2013 // Chris

See the winners of our “ Community Objection! Contest ” and have yourself a little laugh at all the stupid stuff life throws at you

In honor of last week’s release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies , we threw a little contest asking you guys to use Phoenix’s famous exclamation and OBJECT to life’s little foibles. Sure enough, we got buried underneath entries, so we’re here today to showcase your handy work and announce the grand prize winnrarz! Without further ado…

“I thought it would cool to mix in my 2 favorite CAPCOM games =) Monster Hunter and Ace Attorney! Hope you guys enjoy! That’s me, my parents and my dog” –Bio Dio

Artist: Gloria A

“As soon as someone with sticky hands glances at my games’ direction, I stand right up and at the top of my lungs: point and yell ‘OBJECTION!'” -Hampus Å

Artist: Jamila M

I don’t think there would be any objections to how embarrassing surprise-ripped pants can get” –Thomas P

Seriously, it truly sucked to have to whittle down these hilarious/agreeable images to five winners. So when you’re in between cases in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destines ( OUT NOW in the Nintendo 3DS 3Shop ) scroll on down to see some more of our favs. 

Artist: Eric D

Artist: Alex B

Artist: Jeffery W

Artist: Apple Barf

Artist: Dan H

Artist: David S

Artist: Lakshana H

Artist: Sawpea K

Artist: Carlos S