Ace Attorney Fans: Ace Community
Nov 25, 2017 // Janet Hsu
Happy (Late) Thanksgiving to all you Americans, and a Happy Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Launch to one and all! I got my copy from the Nintendo eShop – I hope you’ve got yours!
Honestly, I can’t believe it’s been ten years since we originally released this game, but so many of you have shown this game and its characters so much love that I wanted to say “Thank you!” by sharing some of my favorite AJ:AA fanworks, starting with the adorable piece of art above: Apollo Justice Chibi Par-tay by weem (2009). I love how it includes almost every character, and they’re each doing their own very in-character thing. Extra bonus points for Valant’s magical bunnies and dove.
~ Cosplay ~
I am always massively impressed by AA cosplayers, but especially those who cosplay AJ:AA characters. I don’t know how you guys pull off the outrageous hairstyles, but you just keep getting better and better every year. Case in point:
Apollo Justice by Leigh (2015)
In her post, Leigh says that this is just a test run, but wow, that hair and those eyebrows are so on point. I can just imagine this is what Apollo looks like with his red vest off, relaxing at home.
Ema Skye by Saoto and Klavier Gavin by melon-of-asgard (2015)
I love Saoto and melon-of-asgard’s Ema and Klavier. They capture the detective and prosecutor’s dynamic so well in just the way they look at each other. Also, I love the details on Ema’s Snackoos bag.
Trucy Wright by keirii (2009)
Cosplayer keirii is super cute as Trucy in this beautifully made costume. The colors are bright and lively and the realistic-looking Mr. Hat is amazing! I wonder if he was made of real wood. I can only imagine how heavy he would get if he was…!
Wocky Kitaki by devious-tofu and Little Plum by Foos (2011)
It’s clear from these photos that devious-tofu and Foos both put a lot of work into their costumes, but it’s the attitude that really sells this mother-son mobster pair. devious-tofu captures Wocky’s serious and playful sides, while Foos shows you why you don’t mess with Little Plum. Extra shout out for the great attention to detail on Little Plum’s kimono. That kyubi fox is divine!
The Trucy Ball Gown by Sam (2014)
OK, so this isn’t technically cosplay, but I had to include this stunning ball gown designed by Sam. It’s clear from the design that he put a lot of thought into how to make it elegant while Trucy-esque. I especially love the sparkly detailing in the blue sheer fabric.
~ Fanart ~
It’s no secret that the Ace Attorney community is also filled with extraordinarily talented artists who draw our favorite characters in all sorts of situations, from comical to dark – and even crossovers!
Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Apollo: TWEWY Style by Bendilin (2008)
I have to admit that I am a huge fan of The World Ends With You (or TWEWY), so it made me giddy to find this stylish crossover. Oddly enough, I like that Apollo doesn’t have his tie on. I think it makes him fit in the TWEWY universe better. The Phoenix and Edgeworth are also stylistically sweet.
AJ Doodles by Soupery (2017)
The very first time I saw this set, I couldn’t help but smile. There’s just something about the style and expressions on the characters faces that exude joy. Also, you can never go wrong with Phoenix being a smug bum. *grin*
Kristoph Gavin by LALAax (2010)
Kristoph looking troubled? Who would’ve thought that he could be anything other than the “coolest defense in the West”?
I love this beautifully nuanced portrait of one of the most complex characters in the series. The more muted tones come together quite nicely while the skilled use of shadows and highlights brings out just enough to draw your attention to certain details without destroying the overall mood.
Klavier and Daryan by soak1111 (2012)
This looks like a promotional pic for the Gavinners. I can almost see the Gavinners’ logo and the “Guilty as Charged” tagline in big letters in the bottom-middle, right between the two of them. Daryan’s look of haughtiness is exactly what I’d expect him to give during a long photo shoot.
get him to the court by Blue-Fox (2010)
While I haven’t seen the movie Get Him to the Greek, which this is a parody of, I have to say it is fun to imagine what sort of movie this would turn out to be simply based on the way Apollo and Klavier are portrayed here. The sheer amount of doneness in Apollo’s face seems very appropriate here somehow…
~ Audio ~
With a series as renowned for its music as Ace Attorney, it’s always fun to hear what sorts of musical gems fans can produce from the games’ stellar tunes.
VG Arch Rivals 2 – Klavier vs Apollo [Pressing Pursuit, Guilty Love +] by DjtheSdotcom (2015)
There are lots of mash-up remixes out there, but this one is pretty interesting in the way it plays with how Apollo and Klavier respond to the shifting melodies in the visuals. It’s almost as if they were actually fighting each other with their theme songs! I was also very pleasantly surprised by another element in this song that I will leave to you to discover for yourself.
Trucy Wright ~ Child of Magic (Remix) – Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney by LOrbSheddy (2016)
I didn’t know that Trucy’s theme could be any more cheerful than it already is, but I was happy to be proven wrong by this magical remix. The bouncy beat will instantly grab you and keep you bopping along until the end, while the way the piano is played is just so darn… cute!
The Guitar’s Serenade sung by Pinkshuchan for Let’s Dub Project (Tyranee) (2013)
The Let’s Dub Project has always been amazing, but I was stunned to hear this beautiful rendition of The Guitar’s Serenade! I also love the Borginian accent Pinkshuchan gave to Lamiroir, since from her performance of Trucy, I’m guessing the accent is not a part of her normal speaking pattern. A true voice actress, indeed!
Apollo Justice – Guilty Love(Klavier Gavins theme) || Mr. Feral (Metal Cover) by Mr Feral (2017)
If the Gavinners were real, I can imagine them sounding just like this. This video also really shows off the phenomenal finger work necessary to pull off such a spectacular rendition. Bravo, Mr. Feral!
~ Fanfics ~
Some people rightfully called me out for not providing any fic recommendations last time . I think they thought I was disrespecting fic writing in general when nothing could be further from the truth. Most of my bookmarks are honestly of fics that I can’t post about on a blog like this for either the pairing involved (I can’t officially endorse any relationships not in the games) or the fic’s rating and/or content (the issues they deal with, etc.). I find that the most fascinating and well-written fics are sometimes the ones that explore some of the messiest elements of life, but I wanted to make up for the exclusion last time with a few AJ:AA G-rated, fan fics that I really love.
Pillow Fort by acertaindefenseattorney (2012)
Word Count: 296
Game Spoilers: No
Premise: What happens when Phoenix and Trucy decide to tease Apollo and keep him out of their pillow fort?
When you need a teeth-rottingly fluffy fic to read, this is one that is sure to hit the spot. Especially if you’re as much of a sucker for Wright Anything Agency family fics as I am.
Little Plastic Demons by YamiTami (2011)
Word Count: 1,303
Game Spoilers: Yes
Premise: Klavier has a few insecurities when it comes to wearing glasses.
I really like the premise of this story, and the ending really punches you in the gut. As someone who wears glasses, I remember having insecurities of my own when I got my first pair, but nothing like Klavier.
Slow Dance by pantswarrior (2009)
Word Count: 18,078
Game Spoilers: Big YES!!!
Premise: Vera makes good on her promise in the end credits of the game and tries to open herself up to the world.
This fic is so good on so many levels. Not only is it paced well, it also deals with a serious issue in a realistic and sympathetic way. I felt as if I was on the same journey as Vera as I read this long fic. If you have the time, I cannot recommend this fic enough.
Ask Ace Attorney Blog (2011 – Present)
I guess technically this isn’t just for AJ:AA , but I have to give super props to all of the mods that write for this blog. I know it’s been a long journey for them, but they have always managed to keep the character replies spot on and in-character, which is no small feat! I daresay their replies to the wide range of questions they receive are small nuggets of art unto themselves.
And that brings us to the end of this entry. I hope you’ve enjoyed the fanworks I highlighted, and hope you’ll leave recommendations of your own in the comments!
Even after all these years, I never tire of looking at the amazing things our community produces. If there is one thing I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving, it’s for all the wonderful people that make up this fandom. Each of you brings something to the table, be it through cosplay, art, music, writing, or online discussions.
Thank you again for all your support. This series wouldn’t be where it is without all of you, and I can’t wait to see where we’ll all go from here.
Until then!
Catch up on previous blog entries here!