A starry night sky, felynes and a Steel Uragaan
Nov 07, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
Feelin’ artsy today, you know… so here’s a very intersting piece that popped up in my feed (thanks Benster ) about a monster that gets little fan art love: the (Steel) Uragaan .
This is for the beautiful starry nights as you’re driving towards a big city… I mean, doesn’t it remind you of a famous painting with those exact elements: a starry sky, a distinct skyline? I can’t remember which one, so if you can, please let me know!
Anyways, make sure you check out Cosmopoliturtle’s gallery (great screenname btw) for more awesome art and even this Duramboros fan art.
EDIT: did I just find a hidden meaning here? Steel Uragaan’s chin makes you “see stars”, right?