A quick look at nine Robot Master weapons in Super Smash Bros
Jun 11, 2013 // Minish Capcom
By now you’ve watched the video and seen Mega Man trounce Mario and co with an assortment of powers stolen from Robot Masters. Figured I’d focus in on these so we can all ogle the pretty pictures 🙂
Metal Blade
While we don’t see this in-game, the gorgeous cutscene depicts MM tossing a Metal Blade directly at Mario and Link. Mario takes a hit, while Link deflects it with his shield. Also, may I just say how AWESOME it is to see a Metal Blade bouncing off Link’s shield 0_0
Leaf Shield
Another MM2 staple, the Leaf Shield is tossed at opponents. Will you be able to walk while it’s active?
Crash Bomber
Poor Kirby takes one to the head. And Mega Man sure seems pleased with himself!
Hard Knuckle
The dreaded down strike can spell doom for unaware SSB players. It looks like MM’s down attack will be the Hard Knuckle – either way, DK’s out of the running this time 😛
Slash Claw
Hailing from MM7, Slash Claw is an up-close melee strike.
Flame Sword
Another up-close attack, this time from Mega Man 8. Wonder how it and Slash Claw will be used in tandem?
Super Arm
Guts Man’s immense power is used to hoist your foes above MM’s head and then toss then aside with the dry cool whit of an action hero.
Spark Shock
Here we see Fox jolted in the air by this classic MM3 weapon. Kinda reminds me of Iron Man’s repulsor blast.
Flame Blast
Another shown only in a cutscene, but it’s the big final weapon that closes the trailer. Sure looks more devastating than its MM6 counterpart!
So excite. Need more info. Keep yer eyes peeled to Nintendo and of course, Capcom Unity!