A moment of (delayed) silence for Gary Gygax, gami
Mar 12, 2008 // Kramez
Psionics were for cheaters and Third Edition was dumbed down for (and by) people who collect Pokemon cards; gimme the 1st Edition Player’s Handbook and Keep on the Borderlands any day. You can take your FFs and your WoWs and stick ’em in a paper wizard hat; Gygax helped write the rules that all of them stole. Gary G. passed on March 4 at age 69 — this news isn’t exactly timely, but I’ve been caught up in lotsa work stuff (you’ll see the results on Thursday at 8 AM PST when digital Day info hits the webz) and it’s been on my mind. Plus, I had Spanish II class in high school with one of his kids, Luke, and I totally geeked out when I figured out who his dad was.
LARPers, put down your cardboard-and-tinfoil tubes ; MMOers, let rest your weary macros and endless guild griefing. Grab a can of Jolt and pour one out for our dearly departed homie.
For a great feature on the man and the legacy of his game, check out Dave Kushner’s piece over at Wired .