A Fond Farewell
Feb 22, 2016 // GregaMan
Dear Capcom Unity,
Long time no see, guys. It is with complicated emotions that I confirm that today was my final day as an employee of Capcom.
In December 2010, Capcom Unity warmly welcomed a bewildered, twenty-six-year-old version of me, and since then I’ve done my best to represent and nurture the link between Capcom and its community. In that time we’ve had ups and we’ve had downs, triumphs and fumbles. But I believe now more than ever that gaming has a special ability to connect people and enrich lives, and that the value in that is unquantifiable. From the explosive rise of the streaming scene to this console generation’s hard emphasis on connected user experiences, I think the state of gaming today speaks well to that. But we at Capcom Unity can take a bit of pride in having gotten in on the ground floor. Capcom’s gaming communities have always been dedicated, innovative, passionate, talented, diverse, and trailblazing. I fully expect this legacy to live on well after I am gone.
Thank you all for the parts you have played in building this community and turning games into something much bigger and more meaningful than the mere playthings for which they are less and less frequently mistaken. 😉
Though leaving has been bittersweet, it has served as an excuse to look back on some of my favorite moments during my time here. Below are a handful that come to mind, for any who might want to join me in looking back.
-Though the series ran on and off as bandwidth allowed, we had a great time making the Capcom Unity Official Podcast. A personal favorite was our episode on localization, with special guest, the legendary David Crislip.
-That episode had a companion piece on the blog, “The Art and Science of Localization”
–This interview with original Mega Man staffer TOM-PON is grossly under-viewed, but is full of fascinating trivia from the original series’ development. (I did the subtitles.)
– In which I gushed over Capcom’s lush NES backgrounds
–How Street Fighter is like Monster Hunter
–Enjoying Street Fighter 2010: A How-To Guide
–Vehemently defending Strider on the NES
-Working on the Devil May Cry series was a dream come true. With DmC: Definitive Edition, I worked with the seriously talented SamD to create some dazzling gameplay showcases.
-For Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition, I got to interview a personal hero of mine, series director Hideaki Itsuno. Twice! – Day 1 | Day 2
-AND Reuben Langdon, voice and motion actor for Dante (among many other Capcom faves) – Day 1 | Day 2
-All of us on Team Unity were big fans of DONTNOD’s Remember Me, so we streamed a complete playthrough—in French!
-Brett Elston, Chris Antista, and I got to check out the Capcom Bar in Shinjuku.
Farewell, Capcom Unity. If you’d like to keep an eye on what I’m up to (or at least what I’m thinking about at the moment), check me out on Twitter at @fingersmaloy.