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1942 Secret Plane Revealed!

Aug 15, 2008 // Snow

The secret is out! 1942 Joint Strike has a secret Shinden plane unlockable! It’s looks just like the current Shinden, but it’s black and red, and it’s maxed out! Woot! Here’s how to get it;

– Beat the game in Wing King difficulty

– Go to the Shinden plane

– Press “Y”(360) or Triangle(PS3)

Tada! A maxed out, ace worthy, black and red Shinden! 

Congratulations to Daylon from Unscripted 360 for discovering it first! He won one of three 1942 Bomber Jackets, 20 1942 shirts, and 20 1942 codes!

Also congrats to Jonathan from Achieve 360 Points who won 5 1942 shirts, and 5 codes. 

Remember, we have our own contest on Unity coming up very soon! We’ll be giving away the other two Bomber Jackets, some more shirts, and codes! 

Incase you’re wondering who did these freakin’ awesome jackets and shirts, you can check out the guys over at MeatBun here!